The Dog - I Am You Cd

The Dog – polish hardcore band hailing from Wroclaw – is coming back with new album. „I
Am You” was recorded with Haldor Grundberg (Satanic Audio) during two days at
Monochrom studio, lonely cabin in the Sudets mountains, during crazy snow-flurry, which
almost blocked the only route in. Despite these wild conditions it’s going to be the most
big-city-sounding album of the group.
This time their powerviolence and grindcore influences were balanced with more hardcore,
metal and rock inspirations deriving from 90s bands like Crowbar, Merauder, Leeway,
Biohazard. As a result it came out to be something both for Trapped Under Ice and Trash
Talk fans. Expect 9 tracks of pure nihilistic, catastrophic and european force.